Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Zach and I hung out around the town getting rid of our hangovers on Wednesday. We found the best breakfast I had had in a long time very close to the hotel, it was truely amazing and only like 10  euros each including coffee.

Zach realized that it wasn’t actually the girl’s legs that he liked but the fact that she was wearing a short skirt… the taxi driver got quite a laugh out of this.

We boarded a train in the afternoon to head out to Hilversum Sportpark which is where Xebia is located. Pieter Joost came to pick us up but apparently there were two train stations in the town.



I did my Unleash Your Domain talk for the user group and it went over pretty well I think, many good questions. I also in answering a question came to a new realization about aggregate roots, they solve the global lock problem but I will write a blog post on that later. One funny part of the talk was that there was nowhere to put my laptop so I put it on the floor, took off my flip flops and used my feet to change slides. It was a great ice breaker with the audience.

Xebia also provided food for the talk … and man was it good, professionally catered, quite different than the pizza I am used to. They also provided free beer for the group after!

After the talk I saw xebia’s bookshelf. It was mostly books about  tools but there was one gem hiding at the bottom, I re-arranged it to put it in it’s proper place.


I have since talked to Xebia and hope to be heading back out there perhaps in January.

After the fun Zach and I headed out to Dronten with Pieter Joost who we would be staying with for a few days.

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